Enjoy this 1.7 mile trail that runs along Tionesta Creek and eventually intersects with Logan Run. If you keep on the trail you will soon see Logan Falls, a natural waterfall. It's suggested you visit this waterfall anytime from April until June, but you are able to visit any time of year. To access the trail that leads to Logan Falls, take Route 6 from Warren into Sheffield and turn right in Barnes onto Route 666. Soon you will cross a red bridge to Blue Jay Road. Continue on this route for about 1.2 miles and then take a right turn onto Job Corps Road. After 5.2 miles you will reach an intersection of five roads. Turn right on FR 180 and continue for 2.5 miles until you see a grassy pull off on the right. There will not be a trail sign but it will be clear where the trail starts.

This waterfall is one of the most beautiful in the area and one many are unaware of. Hector Falls consists of a 22 foot tall block of sandstone over which Hector Run cascades. To get there, take Route 6 into Ludlow (17 miles east of Warren). Turn right onto South Hillside Road, turn left onto Water St, and then turn right onto Scenic Dr, cross the railroad tracks and follow FR 133 for one mile, turn right onto FR 258. FR 258H will be 2 miles down and gated on your left. You may park there, but please do not block the gate. Follow the trail and keep left at the fork.

Bent Run Waterfall is located slightly east of the Kinzua Dam on Route 59. This hidden treasure is great for those who are looking for adventure but may not want to hike far. There are .4 miles of trails leading up to the top. It's recommended you visit this spot right after a heavy rain when the waterfall is at its prime. The trail to the falls is short but is only for the sure-footed as it can be slippery.
With the abundant streams and hills, it is not surprising that waterfalls can be found in Warren County. Some require a hike, while others can be seen roadside. Depending on recent rain and/or snow melt, the waters may be rushing or may be a calmer cascade. You may even discover a small one on your own. There is no greater peace than sitting and listening to the flowing waters and nothing more rejuvenating than hiking higher and higher to discover what lies above.